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Changes in the role and status of women…


Many changes took place in women life start from the beginning…

The self- immolation practice called Sati started in the Medieval period. Widow burning was first recorded in India, since at least FOURTH Century B.C.E. Widow burning is known as SATI. But sati was at its peak in 15th and 18th centuries. Sati is the word which is derived from Sanskrit from the name goddess SATI who is the wife of LORD SHIVA. Sati is the common word which appears in Hindi and Sanskrit which means “a good wife”. Sati came into existence when Sati’s father Daksha humiliated her and her husband. Sati burnt herself after Daksha humiliated Lord-Shiva and Sati, but when sati burnt herself, she is not widow. While she burnt herself, she prayed to re-born as shiva’s wife in her next life and it happened, she did re-born as Parvathi.

In the Mughal Period, Child marriage were generally accepted and bride price was common among lower castes, while dowry among the higher castes. Widow re-marriage is the common thing and possible in many of the castes like Jats, Ahirs and Mewatis. Women are allowed to do domestic household chores and agricultural activities but not for preparing the land for crops. India was one of the few countries in the world where women working in heavy tasks like building construction.

In Rig-Vedic period, women had an equal and important share in the social and religious life because a man without a women, considered as incomplete. Women regularly participate in all ceremonies with men (Wife and Husband).

In Vedic Period, women is considered as equal to men in education. Co-education seems to have existed in this period and both the sexes got equal attention from the teacher. Girls studied the Vedas and fine arts. During the Vedic Period women enjoyed a fair amount of freedom and equality. The Vedic period can best be termed as the period of feminine glory and prestigious life. During the Vedic Age inter-class marriages used to take place in the form of Anuloma marriage. In Upanishad, Anuloma did exist which means a person legally entitled to the property. Anuloma is nothing but a lower caste women can marry the higher caste men.

In the post- Vedic period the status of women suffered a setback when various restrictions were put on woman’s rights and privileges. The birth of a daughter was considered inauspicious, while that of a son was an occasion for rejoicing.

In the Age of Sutras and Epics, the ‘Grihya-sutras’ give detailed rules regarding the proper reasons for marriage and qualifications of bride and bridegroom. The bride was supposed to be at a mature age, over 15 or 16. The elaborate rites indicate that marriage was a holy bond and not a contract. The women held an honoured position in the household. She was allowed to sing, dance, and enjoy life.

"Although little is known of the true role women played in the Indus Valley Civilization.... The hairstyles, ornaments and dressing clearly indicate the important prominence assigned to women at that time in what appeared to be a nearly based on the principle that all people are equal in society.

Women in the Bronze Age made significant contributions to society through their travels and role in spreading culture, technology and ideas. In fact, new information about the role of women in the Bronze Age is still being discovered in the 21st century.

The historical analysis of the position of women in ancient India shows that the women did not enjoy the equal position with men. Women were recognised only as wives and mothers, there are times where women are tick to kitchen. Women are subordinates to men, indian women are disempowered and they enjoyed the lower status than men. Social reformers thought that social change could be initiated by educating women and bringing progressive legislation.

Women are now self-sufficient, well aware and financially independent. The role of women in today’s world has changed significantly and for better. They have attained immense success in every field, whether it is sports, politics or academics. With the encouragement of co-education, women are now marching side by side with men, in every walk of life.

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