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Bribe and Corruption


Bribery is the offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting of any item of value to influence the actions of an official, or other person, in charge of a public or legal duty. The Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 (PC Act) is the primary legislation penalising bribery and corruption in India. It specifies acts that constitute offences and provides for prosecution for those offences.

Money is really important for everything and for every need, to live life, we need money, to live happily, we need money, to eat some, we need money, to get something, we need money and what not, for each and every small thing, we need money. Money is playing a vital role in human life. Human is not ruling the world but money is. India is the 85 least corrupt nation out of 180 countries, according to the 2021 Corruption Perceptions Index

Corruption in India is an issue which affects economy of central, state and local government agencies in many ways. Corruption may also decrease the productivity of investments by reducing the quality of resources. Corruption also has an indirect effect on a country’s economic performance by affecting many factors fuelling economic growth such as investment, taxation, level, composition and effectiveness of public expenditure.

Human created currency to buy/fulfil human needs, but it is leading in the way that human is selling himself for money. If we are calling a girl as a prostitute who sell her body for the need of money, then what we can call a human selling him/herself for money? Is it not prostitution? Bribing is un-lawful, prostitution is un-lawful, but who cares? Everyone wants money, a human can buy bed, love, relationships, eatables, dresses, etc… but a human cannot buy health, respect, loyalty, wisdom, inner peace, time, etc.

Every individual respect the other by seeing the money/cash/currency but will the same individual respects the same guy, in the absence of that person? We cannot judge a book by its cover. Someone might call it a loyalty, someone calls it as a respect, someone calls it as a fear and etc, don’t know who is who and what is what.

To fulfil human needs, wishes, likes, wants... money is the only thing which can fulfil human wants. And, will it stop at a limited period or limited time or limited way? No, it is not.

A human should not ask or shout or scold on a politician, because, he/she sold(bribing) his/her vote bank for money. A human does not have a right to shout or scold or ask a question to the politician, he/she lost it. They don’t have a right to complaint on their needs, what they lost and whatever the reason it might be. Public encouraging this bribe. There is no loyalty between giver and taker.

Most of the humans either a man or woman, directly or indirectly are prostitutes, as they are selling themselves for money which we call it as bribing.

Earlier, there is no money, there is only barter system, where all human exchange goods and services without using money.

Section 171 E of Indian Penal Code.

Whoever commits the offence of bribery shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to one year, or with fine, or with both: Provided that bribery by treating shall be punished with fine only. provides that platform. The website allows Indians to post their bribe experiences under four distinct categories — I Paid a Bribe (captures incidences of bribery), I Am a Bribe Fighter (experiences where people resisted bribery), I Met an Honest Officer (recognising honest officers) and I Do Not Want to Pay a Bribe (educating Indians how to avoid paying a bribe).

While the website does not allow the mention of names, the naming and shaming of government departments has had some success.

SAY “NO” TO BRIBE AND CORRUPTION… And improve Indian economy, save India, it is hard but have to accept the fact. Let’s start this to improve our and our Indian economy. It must a revolution.


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